Northside–Southside Transit-Oriented Development Corridor Study

St. Louis’ Equity Line

Farr Associates developed a step-by-step equitable transit-oriented strategy to connect underserved communities on the north and south sides to job centers in the central core and downtown St. Louis.

The potential to stabilize neighborhoods, improve infrastructure, and build communities, through a third fixed-alignment transit, drives the narrative of the Northside-Southside Corridor plan. 

This campaign embraces Momentum Investing, a transit-targeted economic development strategy to adopt walkability regulations, incentives, and to begin redeveloping urbanism along the corridor. 

The report studied three pilot stations which represent diverse design challenges, market strengths, and development readiness. 

The resulting master plans below are exemplars of placemaking, each featuring distinct form, character, and public spaces designed to draw people to each unique destination.

Client: Bi-State Development

Location: St. Louis, MO

Role: Master Planning

Size: 17 miles

Completion: 2019

  • GB Place Making

    CBB Transportation

    Civil Design, Inc.

    MZ Strategies, LLC

    Shockey Consulting